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  1. %macro scall 4 ;macro declaration with 4 parameters
  2. mov eax,%1 ;1st parameter has been moved to eax
  3. mov ebx,%2 ;2nd parameter has been moved to ebx
  4. mov ecx,%3 ;3rd parameter has been moved to ecx
  5. mov edx,%4 ;4th parameter has been moved to edx
  6. int 80h ;Call the Kernal
  7. %endmacro ;end of macro
  9. section .data ;.data begins here
  10. m1 db 10d,13d,"Enter a string: " ;m1 variable initialised with string
  11. l1 equ $-m1 ;l1 stores length of string m1
  12. m2 db 10d,13d,"Entered String: " ;m2 variable initialised with string
  13. l2 equ $-m2 ;l2 stores length of string m2
  14. m3 db 10d,13d,"Length: " ;m3 variable initialised with string
  15. l3 equ $-m3 ;l3 stores length of string m3
  17. section .bss ;.bss begins here
  18. buffer resb 50 ;buffer array of size 50
  19. size equ $-buffer ;size variable to have input
  20. count resd 1 ;to store size of buffer
  21. dispnum resb 8 ;to display 8 digit length
  23. section .text ;.text begins here
  24. global _start ;moving to _start label
  25. _start: ;_start label
  26. scall 4,1,m1,l1 ;macro call to display m1
  27. scall 3,0,buffer,size ;macro call to input buffer
  28. mov [count],eax ;length of buffer gets stored in count
  29. scall 4,1,m2,l2 ;macro call to display m2
  30. scall 4,1,buffer,[count] ;macro call to display buffer
  31. scall 4,1,m3,l3 ;macro call to display m3
  33. mov esi,dispnum+7 ;esi points to 8th location of dispnum
  34. mov eax,[count] ;eax now stores value of count
  35. mov ecx,8 ;ecx gets initiaised with 8
  36. dec eax ;decrement the value of eax
  37. UP1: ;UP1 label
  38. mov edx,0 ;edx gets initiaised with 0
  39. mov ebx,10 ;ebx gets initialised with 10
  40. div ebx ;divide the contents of eax by ebx
  41. add dl,30h ;add 30 to the remainder
  42. mov [esi],dl ;dl content gets copied at esi
  43. dec esi ;decrement esi
  44. loop UP1 ;jump to UP1 till ecx becomes 0
  46. scall 4,1,dispnum,8 ;macro call to display dispnum array
  48. mov eax,1 ;sys_exit function
  49. mov ebx,0 ;Sucessful Termination
  50. int 80h ;Call the Kernel
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 5280KB

Enter a string: 

Entered String: Sahil

Length: 00000004