*** Pay Calculator ***
How many employees would you like to process?
Enter clock number for employee:
Enter hourly wage for employee:
Enter the number of hours the employee worked:
Clock # Wage Hours Gross
098401 10.60 51.0 540.60
Enter clock number for employee:
Enter hourly wage for employee:
Enter the number of hours the employee worked:
Clock # Wage Hours Gross
526488 9.75 42.5 414.38
Enter clock number for employee:
Enter hourly wage for employee:
Enter the number of hours the employee worked:
Clock # Wage Hours Gross
765349 10.50 37.0 388.50
Enter clock number for employee:
Enter hourly wage for employee:
Enter the number of hours the employee worked:
Clock # Wage Hours Gross
034645 12.25 45.0 551.25
Enter clock number for employee:
Enter hourly wage for employee:
Enter the number of hours the employee worked:
Clock # Wage Hours Gross
127615 8.35 0.0 0.00